Thursday, April 21, 2011

The M and M’s of Success

Guest Blog Post By Pat Riley

Winning in life, sports and business all require that you have the proper mindset. In most cases, this is a personality trait that we are born with but, like many behaviors, it is also one that can be enhanced by what we read, what we watch and who we surround ourselves with. A good attitude is at the root of every successful person you know or aspire to emulate.

You often hear people say about others, “they are always so positive and upbeat.” The remark comes out almost with a jealous undertone. Despite the potential jealousy, people will always look to surround themselves with positive people. Do we as human beings relish spending time with negative people that are always subconsciously trying to drag us down to their level of unhappiness? Hopefully your answer is no.

We move towards positivity because we hope that that mindset will rub off on us. That is why success comes to people with a great mindset because people gravitate towards them and their leadership mindset.

Tomorrow, take a drive around the block and get you head right. Being in the right frame of mind will help bring success to you. Read good things and only watch and tune into those things that can inspire. Our minds need a steady diet of good input as well as our bodies.

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