Friday, December 18, 2009

Congress Redefining “Waters of the United States”

Link to the following article from Clean Water Action.
This article provides an overview of the issue and the proposed legislation.Link to the following article about the legislative process slated for early in 2010.

from the article, previous legislation …..“would allow the Environmental Protection Agency, in conjunction with the Army Corps of Engineers, to protect all of the nation's waterways. EPA polices only "navigable" waters, those large enough for ship traffic. Supporters of the measure say two Supreme Court cases significantly limited the scope of the 1972 Clean Water Act. The water bill faces an uncertain future in the House. When Mr. Oberstar introduced his bill in 2007, it had 176 Democratic co-sponsors.
The bill, if enacted, would give EPA authority over bodies of water as small as creeks and ditches along the roadside.”
The definition of “Waters of the United States” has been open for interpretation since the 1972 Clean Water Act. The new legislation is called “Clean Water Restoration Act”.

If this passes, the Federal Government will have a significant role in the permitting of any new development project, of any kind, in the future. Land will become non-buildable and redevelopment efforts centered at urban cores will be the result.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

David, do you know if theis ever went anywhere?