Thursday, December 3, 2009

A 3-Point Strategy for success in 2010

Innovation – we must individually create innovative business strategies defining new ways to promote and market our expertise. The new norm for ANY business has or will change during 2010 because of the social media phenomenon. Either spend the time to stay current with technological change or stay on the sidelines. Become proficient in LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook and start a blog. It will take time to fully understand the benefit, value and capabilities of these sites. So start now and use the networking tools innovatively! There is still time but remember to give rather than take; lead rather than follow; and act rather than react.

Reinvent – each of us will need to reinvent the wheel regardless of profession, business, trade or hobby! Do not rest in comfort but discover new ways to do what you have been doing for many years. Use December and January to prepare a business plan with reinvented tools of trade.

Rebrand – change your image, your approach and your goals to match your reinvented tools of the trade marketed innovatively through social networking.

Why? Again from someone experiencing my fourth recession, when the economy starts to recover, the recovery has been swift and those on the leading edge benefit and those on the sidelines will be in a catch-up mode. This recession is different than the others so our positioning must not be blogged down in malaise. Even if this recovery may not be swift, don’t be swayed away from the need to do what you do - differently in 2010.

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