Thursday, May 10, 2012

For Sellers – Top 10 Things Buyers find Objectionable

6. Too many personal items

Psychologically, when buyers tour a home, they're trying it on to see how it fits, just as they would a skirt or a pair of pants. If your house is cluttered with too many personal items, it's like the buyer is trying on those clothes with you still in them. A fit is unlikely.

Sellers should try to eliminate personal items, including family photos, personal effects and even unique colors, she says.

7. Snoopy sellers

Realtors and buyers alike generally bristle when the seller greets them at the door for a showing.

They will want to walk around with the potential buyer and put in their two cents' worth. It's not good. Normally, there are one out of 10 sellers where it's OK to have them there, and that's because they know what is up with the property and how everything works."

8. Misrepresenting your home

Misrepresenting your house online in the multiple listing service is a sure way to really upset buyers and their Realtors.

9. Poor curb appeal

Much is made of curb appeal, and for good reason: It's your home's handshake, the critical first impression that lasts with most buyers.

10. Clutter

Whether inside or out, less is more when it comes to clutter

Kitchens and built-in bookshelves should showcase spaciousness by following the rule of three. For kitchens, there should be no more than three countertop appliances. Meanwhile, bookshelves should be divided into thirds: one-third books, one-third vases and pictures, and one-third empty. The home office should be very generic so any type of professional can imagine living there.

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