Wednesday, May 9, 2012

For Sellers – Top 10 Things Buyers find Objectionable

First Five (Author Unknown - from a panel discussion)

1. Dirt

Hands down, our panel agrees: Nothing turns off a buyer quicker than a dirty house.

"The No. 1 biggest mistake is not getting the home in the best possible condition.

2. Odors

Buyers, it's said, buy with their noses. Make sure your home smells fresh and inviting.

"Odors are a big one, especially kitchen odors,"

Some pet owners mistakenly believe pet smells to which they've become accustomed help make their abode homey. Nothing could be further from the truth.

"The living room - that's typically the room that has the most fabric, so that is where odors get absorbed."

3. Old fixtures

Want buyers to roll their eyes? Leave old fixtures on your doors and cabinets.

The same holds true for dated ceiling fans, light fixtures and kitchen appliances.

4. Wallpaper

Your grandmother may have had it in every bedroom. Your mom may have loved it as a room accent. But today's buyer wants no part of wallpaper.

Wallpaper is a pain to remove and simply adds another chore to a buyer's to-do list.

5. Popcorn acoustic ceilings

Times change, and with them home decor styles. Acoustic popcorn ceilings, once the must-have for fashionable homes in the '60s and '70s, now badly date your space.

If you can't stomach the cost or the mess to remove the overhead popcorn, be prepared to credit a buyer in certain markets in order to close a sale.

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