Friday, April 16, 2010

Real Estate Development Basics Webinar Series

Land Values
Over the past three years, the housing market has seen dramatic drop in prices in every metro area. More commercial vacancies are becoming a realization. Have land values decrease during this period? This webinar outlines the approach necessary to evaluate land values for residential and non-residential uses. It is reasonable to suggest that land values have also declined but do land prices mirror home prices? Also, learn how land prices are quickly assessed by land acquisition professionals.

Stakeholder Relationship Building
The real estate development industry consists of various public and private interests all having a role in the design, entitlement, and construction of every project. This webinar outlines a comprehensive list of industry stakeholders and explains their role in the development process. A brief description of their responsibilities and what makes each “tick” is important in maintaining a schedule and budget for each project. Learn “do’s” and “don’ts” in networking with real estate development stakeholders.

Definition of Sustainable Projects
The emphasis on sustainability reaches into every sector of our lives, none, being more important than building a sustainable community in the future. This webinar defines the three key elements of a sustainable project. Examples will be used to illustrate the economic, environmental and social considerations in building a sustainable community.

Without the need of an expensive marketing study, this webinar explores methods in which to ascertain the market potential for a specific use. If you build it, will they come? This is historically a problematic attitude and is a serious flaw as the economy recovers. Understanding the market characteristics and researching public information sources will provide sufficient basis in which projects should be pursued. This webinar provides a list of needed data, its source, and the analysis required to better understand the market potential of a project.

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