Friday, January 15, 2010

LinkedIn Group – Land Development

The “Land Development” Group has grown to 1,218 members within the past year. Our members are from around the world and with diversified backgrounds. As a specialty professional networking group, the interaction with group members has been phenomenal.

It really was not all that long ago our networking opportunities consisted of attending seminars, meetings, and trade shows. Our ability to keep track of our connections was limited to a rolodex! Rapid technological change has opened the world to all of us. The following is from Joe Sheehan and I agree with his summation of social networking:

Spam talks, networks listen.
Spam asks what you can do for me; networks ask what I can do for you.
Spam promotes me, networks promote you.

I have challenge all members of the Land Development Group to invite their connections to join this group. You surely know someone you work with, client, or peer that can benefit from joining this forum of industry professionals. Invite one person to join and our group will quickly add to its networking opportunities! Next week I will post information on the new Real Estate Development eAssociation.
Visit my profile at

1 comment:

Joe Sheehan said...

Hey David,

Thanks for the mention. Best of luck to you.

- Joe Sheehan