Monday, May 5, 2014

Where will you be learning in 2020?

Live-Work-Play-Shop-Learn in 2020
College campuses seem to always be expanding but it is time for “experience” to outweigh advanced degrees in most areas of study. Can families really afford to send a child to college and graduate with a degree that has limited marketability? Sure, expanding their knowledge and awareness is important but the cost per semester hour does have limitations.

Home schooling will be on the rise - elementary through high school

Distance learning opportunities will increase.

What is more important – an MBA or 2-yrs experience?

Tuition for a “typical” MBA takes 2-years and costs $60,000.

                        Starting Salary without an MBA         $40,000

                        Stating Salary with an MBA                $60,000

A University was advertising for an “Assistant Director for Trips” ---- requires a MBA! Really!

Do you really think that academia will use the internet to replace the “brick and mortar” institution?
Not when research is key to survival. 
Limited internet applications but certainly for continuing education, MBS’s and distance learning will have a role to supplement semester learning.

During the recession, most schools actually continued their construction programs.

In 2012, over 90% of companies offer some type of educational assistance program for their employees.

Top Ten Schools with endowments over 5 Billion $$$$$$$
School name (state)
End of fiscal year 2012 endowment

Harvard University (MA)

Yale University (CT)

Princeton University (NJ)

Stanford University (CA)

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Columbia University (NY)

University of Michigan—Ann Arbor

Texas A&M University—College Station

University of Pennsylvania

University of Notre Dame (IN)

SOURCE: Devon Haynie is an education reporter at U.S. News

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