Thursday, August 4, 2011

Do You Know How Much Members of Congress Earn?

I guess there would be a debate on if they earn their salary but they do get paid!

In 1991, their annual salary was              $101,900

In 2011, their annual salary is                 $174,000

In today’s Congress nearly 50% of all senators and representatives are MILLIONAIRES.
No wonder they are out of touch with US.

At a salary of $174,000 per year, they would be paid $14,500 per month.
In reviewing the congressional calendar for August – December, 2011, they will be in session 44 days.

$14,500 x 5 months = $72,500
$72,500 / 44 days = $1,647 per day
$1,647 / 8 hours = $205 per hour --- this is salary only and does not include benefits.

Some members in Congress are worth their salary and some are not. At least we have a chance to decide on who should stay and who should go by voting! Regardless, we should demand term limits.

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