Friday, August 20, 2010

Purpose of the "Livable Communities" Act - As per Congress

The 63 page legislation sponsored by Senator Dodd and others outlined the purpose of the act. The intent of this legislation is to have the federal government guide or influence how local communities are developed in the future.

This act provides the funding for land use planning which will alter the landscape of how land is used for development purposes in the very near future. The important statements are #7 and #9.

As an example, if this legislation was passed, would communities in the future be able to obtain a wastewater treatment plant discharge permit allocated for developments located beyond existing infrastructure?

1. Facilitate and improve the coordination of housing , community development, transportation, energy, and environmental policy
2. Coordinate federal policies and investments
3. Promote sustainable development
4. Encourage regional planning for livable communities
5. Adoption of sustainable development techniques including transit-oriented development
6. Provide a variety of safe, reliable transportation choices with emphasis on public transportation and complete streets to:
                              Reduce traffic congestion
                              Reduce greenhouse gas emissions
                              Reduce dependence on foreign oil

 7. Provide affordable, energy-efficient and location-efficient housing choices
 8. Make combined costs of housing and transportation more affordable to families
 9. Support, revitalize and encourage growth in existing communities to:
                             Maximize the cost effectiveness of existing infrastructure
                             Preserve undeveloped lands

 10. Promote economic development and competitiveness by:
                             By connecting housing and employment locations of workers
                             Reducing traffic congestion
                             Providing families with access to essential services

 11. Preserve the environment and natural resources
 12. Support public health and improve quality of life for residents and workers in communities by promoting:
                            Healthy, walkable neighborhoods
                            Access to green space
                           Mobility to pursue greater opportunities

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