Thursday, July 22, 2010

Vertical Mixed Use a LIVABLE COMMUNITY Concept?

Characteristics of a Livable Community:
1. Full community participation in the decision-making process by residents, neighborhood organizations and the business community including small and minority businesses (1) (3)

2. Well planned and designed neighborhoods where housing, schools and parks are within easy walking distance of user-friendly transit and link residents to job opportunities and social services (1) (3)

3. Transit, pedestrian and bicycle access that is compatible with land use, zoning and urban design to reduce dependence on the automobile (1) (2) (3)

4. Mixed-use neighborhoods that complement residential areas with commercial, recreational, educational, health and other social services (1) (3)

5. Transit services and facilities which provide safety, security and accessibility for all passengers, including disabled persons and elderly members of the community.(1)

6. Sound environmental practices including careful parking and traffic management techniques to reduce auto trips, conserve space, encourage green areas, avoid gridlock and improve air quality. (3)

Are “Livable Communities” sustainable? How would you assign each sustainable criteria to each of the above livable community principles, for a vertical mixed use designed project? (1) social (2) environmental (3) economic

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