Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Due Diligence Report – Maps & Plans

In today’s technology and the need for local government to keep pace with the information flow and development changes in their community, most local municipalities post online their ordinances and maps. Compile maps and plans available online and locate the subject property on each map or plan. There are some plans which can only be obtained from a regulatory agency but it is worth the effort. Analyze the property location and the site characteristics to determine the development potential.

Street Map and Community Amenities – nothing new here except find the best possible map to show the benefits of the community; features, schools, shopping, offices, employment centers, highway system, parks, etc. Locate the property on this map for future reference and distribution. The best resource is the Chamber of Commerce.

Topographic Survey or GIS Map – the more advanced municipalities will have flown topography maps for their jurisdiction. Topo from an aerial is much more reliable than GIS. In either case, the engineering office at local government will have topography maps for your use. Buy the necessary topo maps of the PIQ. Ask for adjacent property topography and adjacent development plans, if available. Also, ask for the construction plans, if any, for the frontage road servicing your property. Evaluate the information for consistency in elevations, land features, and property lines. Review low areas for wetlands, flood plains, jurisdictional streams, and/or poor soil. Delineate areas not suitable for development purposes. Severe grades, excessive non-buildable areas, or road frontage issues may hinder a cost effective development approach. Do not force the issue but be exhausting in the analysis of the information. You are determining the priority of the site for development potential.

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