Thursday, January 3, 2013

Be an Optimist !

Be an Optimistbe a positive role model and find the good in everyone.

 Are there reasons to be optimistic when everything seems to be fraying at the seams? YES!

In 2013, continue to implement the phrase “nice but not necessary” and then move forward with a “firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence.”

With strong lasting values, we can be optimistic that we can make a difference.

Why not pass along your experience to someone younger not to influence but to arm them with your experiences which can’t be learned by going to college.

Who is your role model?

Are you a role model?

Do role models even exist today? Be optimistic and say YES!

Please post the name of your role model.

My Dad was and still is my role model. He was part of the greatest generation and the values he passed along were molded by the depression, World War II, and daily life changes over the past 30 years.

Be an optimist for you, your family and your valued contacts. Be a role model.

Why not take control of what you can control and ride the wave of change?

I posted the following pledge last year and it remains true for this year.

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