Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The History of a HOME

This chart only reinforces the idea that over a long period of time, a home appreciates and adds to your wealth.
Why rent when you can buy?


Liz Horgan said...

Powerful graph - it truly is the case that a picture says a thousand words (or more). Interesting insights...I think stability in pricing at current values/levels will still be painful over the next few years.

What do you think will happen to all of the $1+ million homes that are vacant or in foreclosure?

David E. Johnson, PE said...

As housing goes...... so goes the economy! 2013 will be another rough year but look out for 2014! There is a pent-up demand and a housing shortage!The Realtors Assn made a mistake in their stats for existing home sales -- next week will an interesting reset. Housing could be worse off than previously reported. Buyers have disappeared because of fear!