Thursday, January 16, 2014

Are we looking to and asking people who caused the problem to correct the problem??

Why do we continue to vote in career politicians who are more interested in their legacy than their constituents?

If we continue to vote in people that knowing disregard the will of the people, we the people are just as wrong and should shut up and learn to be sheep!

Are there any NEW IDEAS or approaches from a NC Senator outlined in this recently released statement about the shutdown?

“Today, I voted for a package that would reopen the government, extend the debt limit,”
(the debt limit has been extended year after year and the spending continues to increase year after year)

“secure a deadline for bipartisan, bicameral agreement on an actual budget” (when was the last time Washington politicians passed a budget? Do you know of any firm, company or local government that doesn’t work off of a budget?), and

“require the Administration to enforce anti-fraud provisions for those who receive Obamacare subsidies.” (do we really have to pass a law to reinforce anti-fraud provisions of an existing LAW ……..really??)

“It is time we move on from this episode, begin the reforms needed in our entitlement programs and the” (OK……so most Senators have been in Washington DC for less than 30-yrs so they can’t really be held responsible for this same statement being said in the 1970’s)

“tax code, “(please Senator……you exempt yourself from many of the laws you pass for us to follow. Why should we think that you would do something positive……talk is idle but not cheap anymore.)

“address the rampant waste, fraud, and abuse in government spending, and

get back to creating an environment that allows for economic expansion and job creation.”

(so……….how many years have you been reading or hearing this same statement. They can’t even come up with new rhetoric. This Senator states that it is time to BEGIN to do something………REALLY??

All workers in the private sector that continue to say the same thing over and over again and expect a different result would be fired and be labeled insane.

This statement from a NC Senator is indicative of the empty rhetoric spewed from politicians every day! And we are expected to vote most of these same politicians back into office so they can take fact finding trips around the world and not even hold a Town Hall meeting on health care. How is that helping us?

Senators that will NOT hold a Town Hall meeting during the health care debate and then will not even attend an event in their state when the President visits should NOT be reelected! Do you agree?

These politicians seek power, want to stay in power, and expect you to respect their power.

Why do we still refer to someone as “Senator” when they have been out of office for years?

Respect? Really……………we entrust them with our children and our financial well being. If they achieve nothing and do nothing, why do we continue to vote in career politicians that give us lip service and are ineffective in their jobs?

If we as a country will not require term limits, we must use the vote to limit their stay in power. If we continue to vote in people that knowing disregard the will of the people, we the people are just as wrong and should shut up and learn to be sheep!

Wake Up North Carolina!  

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