Monday, August 5, 2013

Over- the- top comment

I have posted over 800 blog posts on real estate, land development and social networking. Sometimes my opinions stir serious debates, lively discussions and thoughtful comments. However, very rarely have I received an over- the- top comment. The following comment is from someone that graduated in 2007 and has had 10 non-profit jobs since 2007:

“You know on the flip it really doesn't take much expertise, perseverance, financial stamina and political perception at all to screw up perfectly nice wetlands, special habitats or local communities.

Ah, if days were like they used to be when we could pillage behind the shield of individual property rights without having to be much concerned about the effects on our environments, friends and neighbors.

David, what you've partaken in here is known as blog-spamming, i.e. the shameless self-promotion of one's personal writings without thinking as to whether it can materially advance the discussions of the group.

Your writing has no focus, just a generalized theme of anti-government backed by what you think is a damning listing of supporting evidence

 but which is, in fact, a droll, repetitious vomiting of knowledge we already all contain
            and frankly didn't need shouted at us.

You write like a telemarketer with such a blissless ignorance of typography with your multitude of screaming font-sizes that my eyeballs are cracked and near bleeding.

This is the Sustainable Land Development group - I'm more than happy to discuss sustainable development solutions that include less government as is everyone here I'm sure.

Your post had not a single thought towards sustainability, in fact it was frequently negative in reaction to it.

This is a professional group for professional discussions about sustainability, not a place for bleating off-topic diatribes.

I'll be happy to engage you on topics of sustainable land development for the future.”

I sent him the following message and still no response or discussion contribution from this professional.

“I would encourage you to add your thoughts and comments to my discussion posted in this group over 28 days ago - What is your definition of a sustainable Local Community?”

I would like to highlight several of his comments which are from a different thought process than most:

we could pillage behind the shield of individual property rights without having to be much concerned about the effects on our environments, friends and neighbors  

This comment bothers me the most.
The following personal attacks are meaningless to me.

Your writing has no focus

in fact, a droll, repetitious vomiting of knowledge we already all contain and frankly didn't need shouted at us.

a blissless ignorance of typography with your multitude of screaming font-sizes

This is a professional group for professional discussions about sustainability, not a place for bleating off-topic diatribes.

I do not know this person nor are we connected on LinkedIn.
Everyone is entitled to their opinions but that must only be the case when “they” agree with you. Otherwise, it is a personal attack! Where else do we see this approach?

The interesting aspect of LinkedIn discussion posts is the limited space for a discussion. I typically keep the discussion short and provide a link to my blog. This way only those interested in the subject will click on the link for more information.

This person used the link to my blog and must of read my post and then responded the way he responded. I have posted over 800 blog posts and admit, I am not a writer!

Can you imagine if you are in the national spotlight and how these personal attacks must come at you on a daily if not an hourly basis?

I know this person must be angry. His utopia after graduating in 2007 was not and still isn’t what he visualized. And by the way, we will not return to his utopia. We are at the beginning of a new norm which if not reversed over the next couple of years, this norm will be irreversible.  

We have lost our own way. God bless him and may God bless us all.

1 comment:

TreeLove said...

what does gad has to do with any of this ? Do you need some sort of authority to justify yourself ?